
Security at the touch

of a button

USB Management Software for OT

Minimise the Attack Surface, Increase Device Security

With our USB management software ondeso SR, you retain full control over the USB ports of your industrial PCs. The status of the USB interfaces can be viewed at any time and you can adjust the configuration with a simple click.

The intelligent differentiation between mass storage and input devices ensures that important devices such as mouse and keyboard continue to function properly, while the unauthorised use of USB sticks is effectively prevented.


USB Port Management Software from ondeso


  • Also configurable for offline clients
  • Customisation possible centrally or directly on the OT client
  • Automatic documentation

ondeso SR: More Than Just USB Port Management Software

ondeso SR is not only a reliable USB management software for shopfloor IT, but also supports you in the holistic management of your industrial PCs.


Learn more here: Industrial IT Workflow Automation

Success Story: Protection against Ransomware through USB Control

A furniture manufacturer was looking for software for the controlled management of USB interfaces on production machines. The choice fell on ondeso SR.


Comprehensive USB Security Software with ondeso DC

If you want to go one step further, you can set up a data lock for USB storage media with ondeso DC. USB sticks can then only be used on the authorised OT systems. It also ensures that the data remains unchanged between the verification process and use on the end device.

Further information on our USB Security software is available here:
ondeso DC – The Shield for Your Data Transport


Why choose ondeso?

  • Specifically designed for industrial infrastructures
  • In use on over 100,000 industrial PCs since 2010
  • 100 % made in Germany


Contact us and together we will find out whether our software is the right tool for you.

You can then either test ondeso SR for 30 days free of charge or start an individual proof of concept (POC) to familiarise yourself with our USB management software for industrial PCs and carry out initial configurations with it.


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USB Management Software ondeso DC

With ondeso DC, you can control the inflow and outflow of data on your devices using dedicated test steps. These test steps can be implemented according to your specifications and expanded with time and device-specific authorisations.

Would you like to find out more?

I will be happy to help you.

Moritz Metka
Phone: + 49 941 462932-34


More about ondeso SR

Click here for more information about our OT administration software designed for industrial PCs.


References & Success Stories

Which companies rely on ondeso for their industrial IT management? Discover the answer here.


About ondeso

Learn more about our company and our comprehensive expertise as a pioneer and market leader.