
Install and update


Software Deployment Tool for OT

Optimised Software Distribution for a Trouble-Free Production Process

Do you want to get an overview of the software installed on your OT clients or fundamentally simplify OT software deployment? The software deployment tool from ondeso SR offers you exactly these options.

With our software rollout tool, you can fully automate the entire software deployment process – from creating the software package to executing it on the end devices. This allows you to reduce the effort involved in manual processes, virtually eliminate sources of error and at the same time ensure that your industrial PCs are running the latest software versions.

OT Software Deployment Made Easy

Operational processes at the centre: execution without interrupting production process

With ondeso SR, you benefit from the option to define and customise workflows either group-wide or individually for each device. Whether the execution takes place in fixed maintenance intervals, via regular schedulers or by manual start – you always retain control and can act flexibly without interrupting ongoing operating processes.


Software Deployment Tool from ondeso

  • Seamless recording of installed software
  • Standardised software installations and updates
  • Uncomplicated creation of software packages, without programming or scripting skills

Software Deployment Automation at Schenck RoTec

Not only plant operators use the software deployment tool from ondeso SR, manufacturers also rely on our solution. The German expert for balancing and diagnostic technology Schenck RoTec relies on ondeso SR when updating its own software at the plant operator. Find out more here:
‘Live Software Updates’ for better Protection against Known Vulnerabilities

Success Story: Efficient Software Deployment Instead of Update Stagnation

2,500 OT clients, various virus scanners, one goal: efficient software management. A German car manufacturer relied on ondeso SR for automated software deployment.


Why choose ondeso SR?

  • Specifically designed for industrial infrastructures
  • In use on over 100,000 industrial PCs since 2010
  • 100 % made in Germany


Contact us and together we will find out whether our software is the right tool for you.

You can then either test ondeso SR for 30 days free of charge or start an individual proof of concept (POC) to familiarise yourself with our software distribution tool and carry out your first tasks with it.


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Software & Update Distribution with ondeso SR

We help you to keep the security and performance of your OT clients continuously at the highest level to keep production running. Watch this video for more information.

Would you like to find out more?

I will be happy to help you.

Moritz Metka
Phone: + 49 941 462932-34


More about ondeso SR

Click here for more information about our OT administration software designed for industrial PCs.


References & Success Stories

Which companies rely on ondeso for their industrial IT management? Discover the answer here.


About ondeso

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