
Install and update



Do you no longer want to invest time in manual software management? With ondeso SR, you can manage zenon automation software automatically. As part of the COPA-DATA Partner Community, we are very familiar with the COPA-DATA zenon software. Convince yourself of our reliable solution for software management in your OT environment.


Efficient Software Management of COPA-DATA zenon

Automated Installation
With ondeso SR, you can install zenon automatically on your OT clients. No more manual steps, no more delays.

Standardised Project Distribution
Easily distribute specific zenon projects and configurations to all OT clients in your facilities. This ensures standardised workflows across your entire production environment.

Reliable Update Management
ondeso SR enables automated software updates of zenon so that you no longer have to worry about outdated versions.


Automated Management of COPA-DATA zenon with ondeso SR

  • Capture the installed zenon products and versions on all OT clients
  • Standardised and documented installation and updating of zenon products
  • Easy software packaging without programming or scripting knowledge
  • Multi-level backups of your zenon projects

Automated Updates and Patches with ondeso SR and the zenon Software Platform

New components, updates and patches can jeopardise the availability of production equipment. The combined use of ondeso SR and the zenon software platform from COPA-DATA automates the installation of updates and patches for a smooth production process. Each update can be carried out in accordance with IEC 62443 standards as well as manufacturer specifications and compatibility standards. You can find out how this works in the technical article in the COPA-DATA magazine ‘Information Unlimited’ (Vol. 38).

Technical article “A new way to manage updates and patches” page 41-43

Why choose ondeso SR?

  • Specifically designed for industrial infrastructures
  • In use on over 100,000 industrial PCs since 2010
  • 100 % made in Germany


Contact us and together we will find out whether our software is the right tool for you.

You can then either test ondeso SR for 30 days free of charge or start an individual proof of concept (POC) to familiarise yourself with the software and automate the software management of the zenon platform on your OT clients.


Success Story: Efficient Software Deployment Instead of Update Stagnation

2,500 OT clients, various virus scanners, one goal: efficient software management. A German car manufacturer relied on ondeso SR for automated software deployment.


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Software & Update Distribution with ondeso SR

We help you to keep the security and performance of your OT clients continuously at the highest level to keep production running. Watch this video for more information.

Would you like to find out more?

I will be happy to help you.

Moritz Metka
Phone: + 49 941 462932-34


More about ondeso SR

Click here for more information about our OT administration software designed for industrial PCs.


References & Success Stories

Which companies rely on ondeso for their industrial IT management? Discover the answer here.


About ondeso

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