Video: Maintainer vs. Admin – how IT management in production succeeds

In production environments, the primary objective is to ensure a secure and smooth production process without interruptions. For this purpose, machines and their mechanical components are regularly serviced and maintained. Nowadays, however, this is no longer sufficient to prevent plant downtimes or similar. Since IT systems are now part of practically every production facility, these must also be maintained and updated. But who is actually responsible for this?

In this video, ondeso COO Peter Lukesch explains that the interaction between OT and IT, i. e. between maintenance staff and IT administrators, is the key.  Using the analog twins Karl and Max, the introduction and permanent use of consistent and resource-saving maintenance of OT systems is presented.


You will also learn:

  • The differences between Office IT and Industrial IT
  • What you need to consider in OT maintenance
  • Which part DIN 31051 plays in this
  • And which technical solution is suitable for this purpose


You can find the recording here (German only):


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