

  • Active management of components
  • Inventory of all existing components
  • Central information system
  • System data backup
  • Patch management in frequent intervals
  • Software distribution and update management
  • Automation of configuration specifications

The Digital Tool Box for Maintenance 4.0

ondeso SR allows you to manage infrastructure in a production environment without any effort and to establish sustainable system maintenance. The infrastructure analysis of the network informs you constantly about changes of the network components and holds the gained data available – neatly arranged in a central asset management. Security relevant attributes can be viewed as well, and if necessary, be adjusted just like the backing up of the systems.

ondeso SR provides opportunities to distribute, install, and maintain software as well as operating system updates and patches. It is also possible to configure the managed systems via automated tasks, and the system can be installed automatically according to your requirements until it is ready to go into production. During operations, downtimes are documented by task tracking supplemented by automatic and manual entries. This enables you to keep track of all relevant KPIs.

What our Customers say


OT Asset Inventory

Maintain a complete and always up-to-date overview of all OT clients.

  • Automated network scans across segmentation boundaries
  • Flexible import and export options
  • Infinitely extendable asset information

Backup & Restore

Realise regular backups and restores according to your own specifications

  • Flexible execution options
  • Verification of backup validity
  • Automated clean-up

Patch Management

Integrate security updates automatically into the ongoing operation of your production.

  • Controlled initiating and shutting down of projects
  • Cascading patching
  • Integration possible without WSUS or Active Directory

Configuration Management

Keep an eye on the configurations of your OT clients and be notified of any anomalies.

  • Check client configurations
  • Automated adjustment of security settings
  • Configuration of local firewall

Software Deployment

Automate the entire software deployment process – from creating the software package to installing it on the endpoint

  • Capture installed software
  • Standardised installation and updating
  • Software packaging without programming or scripting knowledge

Industrial IT Documentation

Benefit from a digital knowledge database and create reports in seconds.

  • Comprehensive logging for meaningful reports
  • ‘CV file’ for OT assets
  • Digital shift book for administrative IT tasks

Client Automation

Define tasks and processes and have them executed automatically or at the touch of a button.

  • Executable across reboots and system boundaries
  • Reusable at other sites
  • Without Active Directory or domain connection

End-of-Life Management

Manage even outdated software from MS Windows XP SP3 effortlessly and in a standardised way

  • Low system requirements
  • User management, even without Active Directory connection
  • Best possible update management

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Technical Requirements


ondeso requires a Microsoft Windows Server 2022 or a newer version as server component, as well as a Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Instance. Additionally, a share via SMB, CIFS or DFS is required, which can also be provided on this server. Optionally, an existing active directory can be used for authentication.

OT Client

On OT clients, at least Windows XP SP3 or Windows Server 2003 SP1, respectively, are required for full functional range. Hardware requirements are 1 physical core, 20 MB RAM and 150 MB hard drive capacity. For Linux, the basic function of inventory is currently offered.



Here you will find answers to your questions about topics such as active directory connection, domains and frameworks.


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Which companies rely on ondeso for their industrial IT management? You will find the answer here.


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